2025 Carving Classes
Introductory wood carving class. Open to the Public.
April 12th, 19th and 26th. 11 AM - 1 PM
This is a beginning wood carving class, material such as instructions, knives, wood, sandpaper, instructions will be supplied and must be purchased prior to the start of the classes. Material cost is $25.00. Students must pre-register at least 2 weeks prior to the start of classes on April 6th. A $25.00 deposit will be required when registering for the class and is nonrefundable. Full payment for the class can be made at the start of the classes. Total cost of the three classes will be $115 which will include the $25 deposit.
This is a basic carving class that will end with a finished piece carved by the student. Basic techniques will be discussed and demonstrated as well as safety and knife sharpening. One sharpened carving knife will be provided in the carving kit
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